Is there anyway to have a youtube channel without offering up a phone number for the verification?
Lol alright might as well then. that settles it. I
You also get to use 2 factor authentication and easier password recovery. Besides if you already have a smartphone linked to your google account so you can check email and such I don't see a big issue with it.
build a time machene and go back to before the policy was created. then assasanate the guy who thought of it before he can be allowed to think of it again.
it's just privacy shit man i don't trust google with anything lol
Get a burner phone with a prepaid card. Use it only for when you really have no other option but to provide a phone number.
Lmao that's too much man.
Then why would you make a YouTube channel?
Same reason as everyone else I wanna put out content.
Wait what? Since when I can't post videos without my phone number? Maybe it's because I use android and Google already knows my phone number, so I have not noticed it...
yeah lol
Of course
If you happen to have a Google account, you should activate two step authentication (if you have not yet).
After that Google already has your number so why not just use it on YouTube to unlock more benefits? :)
Also now you have added bonus of a more secure account for Gmail, YouTube, Google Drive, and whatever else from Google you use.
i don't need more security lol a password is pretty much enough in my book.
Okay then if we flip it, and you are actually going to give your number on YouTube why not also activate two step authentication? :p lol
You get more for what you give that way, comparatively. :p
Set yourself up a Patreon and we'll all drown you in money.
No obligation of course...
Google gets more private data from us using Android and google services. Actually the phone number is not that a big deal compared to those. Especially for sth like 2-way authentication that is required security measure in my opinion.
Unless you want your personal number completely private. In that case just buy a new anonymous cell phone card and number and use that for the authentication and verification.
If you created a youtube account a long time ago, you can still upload videos and every once and a while you will get an annoying pop up when you log in asking you to fill out your phone number for two step authentication.
Google syncs things across its platform so since you have an android phone already Google let youtube know it. ( I may have worded this sentence wrong. )