Youtube maxed at 720p?

for some reason youbube on all linux distros and by all i don't mean i have installed every single distro that would be rediculous but in manjaro, linux mint, ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, ect... youtube will not let me select resolutions above 720p where as windows will let me select up to 4k depending on the video now i figure that this is a software issue but i have used the driver the nvidia driver and whatever the generic manjaro one is i can't remember but they all top out at 720p for some unknown reason

What browser?


i am currently using linux mint xfce if that helps at all

Its a browser based problem. In Firefox you need to enable a few additional options.

Got to about:config

search for mediasource

In addition to the default settings,

make sure the following are set to true (you can set boleen values by double clicking the entry.)


Search for mp4

In addition to the default settings,

make sure the following are set to true


All HTML5 video options should now be enabled and you should have options for all video resolutions.


omg thank you i have been looking for this solution for like what feels like weeks but yeah i figured it was a browser issue now if only i could keep linux from going to sleep during my videos then everything would be great and i dont mean dissabling sleep cause i want my computer to sleep just not during a youtube video or netflix and such

thanks for the help if you know a solution for my other problem probably also browser related if not then you have still been a huge help i couldnt fine that solution anywhere

There are extensions for Gnome that add an icon to the top allowing you, with a single click, to disable the "fall a sleep in the middle of my movie" feature. Probably there are similar things for Cinnamon.. or maybe the gnome extensions would even work? (not really familiar with Cinnamon, I use wmii)

Usually the extensions are called something with coffee, or have a coffee icon.

The problem is with Firefox. The linux version does not have MSE (for the HTML 5) enabled yet because they are not stable yet. No idea why though as the windows version works fine.

Mind you @Eden ´s solution is a work around. There is a reason that these are not enable, so you might have issue with the HTML 5 player here and there. Hopefully they will fix this in the next couple of versions.

Thanks alot worked for me :) to bad my sucky laptop/internet in the weekend house cant handle more than 1080p playback without stuttering or buffering :)

Amazing! Why doesn't Firefox set this by default.

Not necessarily a workaround, they are legitimate options that are supposed to be usable.

You are right thought theres a reason its disabled by default.


As far as im aware its currently disabled because its still being worked on. I believe things like video at 60fps is still somewhat not quite great at playback. That said, ive have no problems playing anything else at 1080p or higher with the options enabled.

In Mint I had issues with 1080 60 FPS and basically 2k and 4k did not work properly...So there is an issue there. I hope they will be fixing this soon. I think the Win counterpart had this fixed 2-3 versions ago....

Thanks a lot! I was using chromium to watch my youtube videos because 720p just looks terrible on a 2560x1440 screen. Now I can stick to using only firefox

problem solving linux comminuty for the win