arma2 appears to not scale across all 8 cores, as the i7 and the i5 got nearly the same score. also, Logan was streaming to twitch, so the FPS was more cpu-dependent than normal.
and I don't see any game benchmarks on the .de, except for crysis 3
though it wasn't mentioned in that video (it was in the other one) logan was probably still streaming, in which case the 8350 has plenty of extra cores to delegate to handling the streaming,, whereas the i5 would need to set some cores that are already in use for the game to give some of their time to the streaming program
I carry my own personal benchmark with me for times like this. I use it mostly when my intel-minded friends start showing specific benchmarks of some game, or some app, or whatever
Its one test where the 8350 excels. Its from sisoftsandra. It shoots a series of Integer native ops at the cpu (the number of iterations of the main code loop per second).
Its just one test of many. I could post tests where the 8350 doesn't excel at, but you just have to look on the internet for those ones.
Its easy to make a cpu look bad. And the internet has done a big number on the 8350. For example, it's amzing that the dhrystone test of me of the 8350 hasn't even made it to the internet. So I choose to only show this test, apperantly the internet does the same kind of thing for intel CPU's, and gets away with it pretty good.
FX8350 is just a very great cpu, a good bang for buck cpu. which performs better then the i5 8 out of 10 times. and its also very close to an much more expensive i7. if you on a lower budget and you cannot afford an i7, then the FX8350 is realy a good deal. im very happy with my FX8350. for gaming an i5 is also a very good choice, but if you do more things then just gaming then i would recommend the FX8350, just a much better allrounder.