Your opinions please

this is just a budget pc im gonna put together as a surprise birthday present for my brother. he's not really into gaming he rarely plays video games, so this is just a simple budget pc that im putting together for him as his 1st pc. hes been wanting a pc for a long time because he produces music and stuff. so i wanna know what you guys think. bear in mind that these parts are my final decision and i will not change a thing since our local store has many limitations. anyway please check it out and let me know. thanks.

Kind of poopy power supply.  I would have dropped the gtx 650 for a 6800k APU and faster ram.

However, it should still be good for his needs.  Just remember to use the back audio port for audio.  The front audio headers are always crappy and have tons of interference.

thank you, dually noted. yeah i agree with you on the power supply however thats all i can afford. the gpu however is def not something i would put in my system but it does get the job done for light gaming and looking at the screen without vomiting from the generic motherboard display lol. he does play civilisation mostly.. i think he can kick it up to max settings in civ with the 650.