Your help on a PC-Upgrade (~300€)

Hello everyone!

I have been a passive part of the community since about half a year ago but i finally made the decision to actually create an account and post here on the forums :)

I have the following problem and I need your suggestions:


A friend of mine wants to upgrade his PC (Motherboard, CPU and RAM). This are his current PC specs:

- GPU: HD 6850 (no need to upgrade)

- RAM: 4 GB

- Some MoBo and an old dual core

- 500W PSU (no need to upgrade)


He wants the parts to last as long as possible, and he also wants to play Star Citizen on release, as well as decent framerates in BF4 (He will upgrade the GPU later, I just need suggestions on the CPU for those two games).

He's willing to pay about 300€ for the Mobo, CPU and new RAM, but if its necessary for the two games mentioned above (to get the best experience) he would go up to 400€.


I came up with a 8350 and some 2x4GB RAM because I heard that AMD is working with the developers of Star Citizen, but there might be better choices, you guys know better :)

The link to the German PCPartPicker:

(Please keep in mind that we live in Germany when it comes to prices)


I think I mentioned everything necessary, I'd love to hear your suggestions!

Thank you! :)

That FX-8350 won't be too happy with that motherboard.  Or maybe it's the other way around, as there's no cooling on the VRMs, and you have a pretty high chance of the motherboard failing.

CPU: AMD FX-8320 3.5GHz 8-Core Processor.  Still a pretty decent processor, but I couldn't keep the 8350 in there for under 300

MOBO: Asus M5A99X EVO R2.0 ATX AM3+ Motherboard.  much, much better VRMs.  Should be able to handle the 8 core AMD CPU

RAM: Kingston Blu 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory.  Good clock speed, Kingston.  Should perform about the same as the Corsair you picked.

Yeah you really need heatsinks for  the VRMs with the some of AMDs high wattage chips. The 970A-G46 does have a heatsink (unlike the G43), might pay to get that version of the board instead.


Do not use any MSI am3+ mobos for 8 core cpu's thay are trash (and most of them fire harzards)

Even better advice.

That build is awesome and fits perfectly into that budget! Thank you!

Oh wow that's interesting :o But I don't think that he's going to OC for like at least 2 years. Thank you!

Everyday is a good day to learn something new, thanks!

Even so, if the VRMs get hot enough (without an OC) the cpu will be auto-throttled. Which will result in a decrease in performance.

+1.  The VRMs just weren't designed for FX-8350s and other 8 core processors, even at stock clock.