Your favourite educational STEM channels

also this. I want to focus in more concrete education than clickbait edutainment. It’s yt so there will be some overlap and play.

I did list some more hobbyist channels among the serious ones, but those are still interesting and can learn from.


I think you’re on shaky ground there. Issac does mix in some entertainment related stuff sometimes but I think he’d be a little disappointed if you put him in a non educational category. It’s SFIA Science and Futurism with Issac Arthur, not Science Fiction.

“Science and Futurism with Isaac Arthur (SFIA) is a science education YouTube channel focused on all aspects of futurism and space.”

The “futurism” stuff is certainly on the optimistic side but he tries to ground it with known science, so it’s educational.

Besides, not all of the ones above stick to education 100% of the time either (Scott Manley playing KSP, Louis Rossmann with his rants). And besides that… are something like Veritasium and many other educational channels not also entertainment at the same time? :thinking:

Hey your thread, do what you want! I already defended SFIA’s reputation above. :laughing:


I actually used to watch the macbook repair videos. came for the repairs, stayed for the rants. :rofl:

its yt. there is some play.

Does electronics hacking count?

Big clive #1

It’s going to be NSFW.



there’s literally an entire section for hacking. see stacksmashing and flashbackteam etc… and lots of fun stuff in EE & RF section

More… A Canadian favourite.

Very NSFW.


read the op lol

AVE is my favorite for years. I’ve always admired his ability to identify plastics by tasting, scraping, burning it.


Project farm is my fave science channel. okay, I’ll accept my fave is trashy entertainment, with repeatable testing and easy to follow methedology

(Okay, more practical, rather than the theory…)

One person’s colourful and interesting is another’s trashy entertainment, and another’s best current, well-referenced ideas are another’s really dry and boring.

I like the latter; otherwise, I have the feeling I’m wasting my time. They are often recorded lectures. I like as much of the mathematics as is feasible given the medium.

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I think this happens when you look at a list like this and everything you can think of is listed except for one big one you were checking for. That’s what happened for me anyway since I thought SFIA was finally considered “big”.

But I wasn’t making fun of anyone like that cartoon was suggesting.

I don’t know if the large channel science and education section in YT really is all that big though! I recognized a bunch of the ones above, which seems to indicate that it’s a smaller world. YT has a lot of trash, to be blunt.

I never implied you were, that wasn’t the intention of the cartoon. Just stating that there a lot of channels and you cant possibly know them all.

Hence why I made the list, to sift through the noise. algorithm be damned.


Best thread ever. :heart:

Somewhat surprised no one has mentioned DIY Perks.


Found an awesome semiconductor channel thanks to breakingtaps