Your experience with AT&T?

I'm going to move from T-Mobile Prepaid, over to AT&T post paid. Reason being is that I do not get ANY signal where I live with T-Mobile, which sucks, but I can't do anything about that. 


I'll be going on the 10GB plan, with a iPhone 6 Plus, two OPOs, one Nexus 5, and a flip phone. 


How has your experience with AT&T been? 


Also, the reason I am going with AT&T is because truly, they're the best carrier around to me, besides T-Mobile. Sprint gets signal here, but doesn't work.

They had good coverage where I have lived (coverage was spotty when I was in New York though), but they over charge you, and even give you phantom charges for services that you never signed up for/used.  Happened multiple times to me over the years I was with them.  I'd call and get the charges removed, only to have them pop back up either the next month or 2 months later.  So, yeah.  Their coverage is good depending on where you are, but as a company they're shitty.  But if it's the only option you have, then it's the only option you have I guess.

Around me regular network and 3G data service was decent. 4G was basically not a thing. I'd have it in a few areas but nothing great. I mean I do live in the middle of nowhere on top of a mountain but still. Verizon (current carrier) had 4G everywhere. 

Down in Philadelphia the service was about equal. Had a few dropped called with AT&T and less with Verizon. Also it seemed at least to me that Verizon got better service indoors but that could just be me. 

But to echo what everyone said above check your bill every month and be sure they aren't over charging you. 

Remember too that 10GB plan requires you pay full price for your phones just broken up into installments every month and you have to sign a two year contract anyway. You do get the option to upgrade every year but meh. I keep my phone for two years and have been fine.

Side note though, iPhone 6+? Why no Note 4? lol but that is personal preference. Up to you just joking :)

If they were the last phone company on earth, I still wouldnt use them. :) That God (or what ever deity) for the internet

I'm on Straighttalk's BYOP and I'm using ATT towers. Data coverage is god awful up here in Maine.

My dad wants the iPhone 6+. I've got an OPO.