If you could have your Dream CPU made what would it be?
I would like to See a 8 core APU with a 7970 like performance integrated Graphics.
If you could have your Dream CPU made what would it be?
I would like to See a 8 core APU with a 7970 like performance integrated Graphics.
Too easy. Opteron-style core count and chipset features, with Xeon-style per core performance. Not to mention scalable PCIe bandwidth, so you aren't limited by revisions.
A man can dream.
what brennan said with a shit ton of programmable shadder for assisance and a shit ton of super fast cache
i would personally like to see a cpu that has extreme paralellism like 1024 cores, but that ran with high per core performance, but thats what brennan said, so i have another idea, i would love an intel cpu that had amd like price to preformance, and was cheap enough that i could buy it... maybe there already are cpu's in that area, but i mean high performance parts that are like 100 dollars.
1 word. Graphene.
500 core optron...........with like 4000mbs of l3 cache running on 2 watts.......plz and thank you
A single core cpu with excellent core preformance and is stronger than any other multi core cpu.
I would like to see a quad core AMD apu with an HD7770 equivelant IGP(entry level), I believe such a APU was suppose to be coming out earlier this year/late last year but got delayed to early next year. This would be similar to the APUs in the new consoles however by the time it is out it will be pretty bad in comparison to the graphics cards then.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS
i.e. a regular sized CPU, but with 64 cores, 5+Ghz, and no need for a ridiculous cooler (graphene has awesome thermal properties). also a ridiculous chipset to go with it.
Don't understand point of having a dream CPU in less you're doing rendering, or graphic desgin. IMO i5 2500k 5GHZ would be my dream simply becuase it's the only thing I need for gaming/streaming.
You're all silly, I would have something with about the same performance as haswell with only 5w tdp. It would be amazing for a silent system. You could cool that passivley with relative ease.
Would tide me over for a while, just in case anyones interested a 64 core opteron scores about a 30 in cinebench
so basically a gpu thats a few gens out?
the point of a CPU is do to random operations not in parrallel. Somethings like if-then can't be computed in parrallel. single core only really (there are exceptions) IPC performance FTW!
:\ i guess, but it's more that extreme paralellism would be helpful for multitasking, even right now my cpu is running somewhere over 500 threads at a time, even though it might be working well right now, in the future, there likely will be tons more processes running at any given point, and also it would be great for simulation of extreme paralellism in nature.
i see what you mean. I agree.
What i wish would happen is. windows push support for people with a high GPU to use that gpu power actually handle those threads. if you have a gpu with a couple thousand stream processors a few of them could handle each thread. unless that's not how it works :/ I don't know too much about how it works on the OS level. but of course it could ditch that and use the full gpu for gaming and rendering possibly
Who needs graphine when you can build CPUs out of manufactured Diamond. Graphine is still years out of the way in terms of large quantity production, but manufactured diamond can be done in large scale right now. Diamond can withstand temperatures up to 700*C before beginning to oxidize in the open atmosphere. There have been many advances in diamond transistors and semiconductors within the last 5-10 years.
did no one hear about the graphene break through?
they clocked a working graphene transistor over 400Ghz. keep in mind it was a single transistor though.
And it was a 900nm transistor. My number may be wrong though.
When i see diamond i think - money. Probably super expensive.