Just watched a video where you drop off your BMW and a PC - which was yet again crazy nice thing to do. But in it you say we must do this again - and not just in the states.
So hows about doing a Top Gear - you and bunch of mates fly to the UK, pick up second hand Left hand drive cars here (bloody cheap as were all on right hand drive). Drive down to Barcelona to do the Mobile World Congress, catch the boat back to blighty, spend a few days in the UK travelling around, then head out to Cebit then either sell cars in Germany, or come back to UK, sell cars fly back to US. You can hit minimum 2 major tech events in 2 weeks ish, plus any other places/people you want to visit on this side of the pond.I don't know if you ever been to blighty before - if not then you can join the president in doing Stonehenge and presumably Hammersmith!!
I am sure I'm not the only Brit who could give you somewhere to stop and stay for a few days, albeit we only have 1.2MB/s up and 19MB/s down (that's MB/s not Mb/s) bandwidth. I know its only a month till Barcelona so I know time is short but I thought at least have the space this year.
anyhew just a thought - washing around my noggin - I'll blame it on recovering from the norovirus I have just had.
I forgot to say - I am assuming that you would bring your own camera's and mic's, we should be able to provide you with upload and coding boxes for editing - were about to build a box and we could just spec it so that it met your editing needs whilst on the road. Net access is typically much much better in Europe either fixed,wifi or LTE. Not sure about tripods etc -probably easier to hire over here - lights you could either bring with, or we buy here or we hack a solution. The idea would be that to facilitate post in the down time between the big events.
If this were to happen, the assumption would be that you fly to heathrow/gatwick catch a coach to the park and ride and thence either walk the half mile here or grab a taxi. You could have pre-bought food via the web and had it delivered to us. Whilst you were here those of us who live here would arrange to stay with friends so basically it would be amount to a free airbnb base to work from. I am assuming you need the space for about 2-3 weeks. Obviously being a student city we have near 24/7 access to an enormous numbers of food and drinking establishments here is a 24 bus service with 5 minutes.
There is 24 hour bus access to London, so you could go to the real brick lane - that the Indian in NY is named after and combine it with other places in HACKney such as the London Hack space and visit to the London Tech city companies. Or you could catch a train up to the "muslim city of Birmingham" (according to Fox news http://is.gd/PRY0KL ) and try curry in the home of the balti and chicken tikka masala!