You said I could ask anything

I'm sure this won't get answered and I will be considered a troll and banned from the internet for life +3, but here goes.

Are you and pistol dating, married or what? If you are I'm pretty jealous, but that aside it has always lingered in my mind while watching videos, especially videos with both of you in.

Oh, and more videos. Good. Thanks.

I cannot say the thought hasn't crossed my mind.

like two like minded individuals in a mutual endeavour together. Nothing weird about that - cept "perhaps they're actually a couple"


wouldn't be any stranger than say, a farming family. You know, for livestock/produce/sugar maple?



God dammit here we go again...

Last time someone made a thread like this the end result was this:

"9001 internets to you sir"


wow...that thread.

OP delete your thread - it lost even before it was conceived 

I don't see why people go so offended when personal questions are asked.

That was an epic comment on the first thread.

I thought the whole point of inbox.exe was so people could ask questions related to Tek syndicate? Seems related to me. Why does everyone make a big deal about someone who wants to know if Logan and Pistol are a thing? and since it seems to keep cropping up over and over again why doesnt someone just answer the question and take away the mystery that causes people to keep bringing it up? Is there some downside to answering this question that I cant see for whatever reason? I actually dont give a toss if they are or not. What intrigues me is why everyone seems to make such a big deal over it. Or at least they did in that thread that was linked above.

Nobody is offended. They are just stating the obvious. We all know each other based upon tech, hardware, games, etc. We don't know about each other's personal lives. That information is irrelevant here. If I started asking random community members personal questions it would be creepy.

Well when you spin it like that, I get your point. Never quite looked at it that way. I guess it's just how I am from being raised in South Louisiana. I just have an urge to get to know people personally.

Inbox.exe questions like this should just be locked and then Logan can answer or ignore the question at his own discretion.

iz a guy and a gurl on teh saem channle

oh ma gawd tiem2ship.

That's basically it.

I think the point of inbox.exe is to ask questions related to technology. While I agree that the question posed here isn't an offensive question, it's not something Logan or Pistol need to answer. I think you will occasionally see hostile responses from community members here because it is a question that is asked so frequently. It is a personal question and I know I wouldn't want any aspect of my personal life on the internet. There are very sick people on the internet that will attack people close to you to hurt you or they will pretend to be you to destroy your relationship with the people you care about. IMHO, Logan is right to withhold the details of his personal life from the internet. 

I think it's technology + any general questions that aren't too personal.

Logan is right to withhold the details of his personal life from the internet. 

Also this.

Because irritant gossip regarding our personal lives is somehow related "Tek Syndicate". It's not.