Astro Slide, by Planet Computers
The render looks kinda nice.
Astro Slide, by Planet Computers
The render looks kinda nice.
I have a general policy that I don’t support any crowdfunded hardware if all they have to show for themselves are some cool renders.
Sorry, wasn’t intending to make it seem like anyone should go and throw money at this. Frankly, if you’re not willing to light the money on fire, you shouldn’t be giving it to any crowd-funding or pre-order campaign. Ever. Even if they have prototypes etc.
That said, they do have a prototype, not just renders.
I didn’t get that impression.
It does look neat. I’ll have to look into their plan a bit more.
It’s indeed interesting. It also has the same problem as the other crowd funded phones. Not even considering the fact that if it’s crowd funded then it means all the real investors rejected it for a reason. It’s also to cheap.
At £500, something somewhere is seriously compromised. I had the same issue with the Librem 5, same issue with the Ubuntu phone, same issue with the open moko.
There will be serious compromises, you can’t make them for that price without it. It will go bust, support will be non existent, the components will be cheap rejects or some other serious flaw. And no one will buy enough of them because of it.
If it was priced at £1000 I’d think it was more serious.
Wendell was also the first thing that popped into my head when I stumbled across the Astro Slide.
Looks pretty interesting.
I wished more phones would be made with physical keyboards like that.
But yeah not if this is going to be any succes tbh.
I mean Asus also tried something similar in the past.
Planet Computers had their Gemini PDA out for a while.
MediaTek tho so… updates for half a year and then it’s dead
Also he has the F(x)tec now so there’s not any reason to swap IMO.
yea … some people where lucky (and waited long enough) to get theirs …
I didn’t … i will have to flash my LGG6 in order to wait …