I'm planning on getting the Mushkin redline 2x4GB DDR3 ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820226223 ). But I saw Logans Pax East video, and the HyperX Beast looks sick, and doesn't seem to be to bad also. The only problem is, when I looked at requirements, I don't know if it will work with my system or not. Please conferm this for me, if it does or not. Thanks.
And how can I tell if this is 1.5V or not (I need 1.5)? http://www.amazon.com/Kingston-1866MHz-PC3-15000-KHX18C9T3K2-8X/dp/B00A771ZSW/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1364825326&sr=8-5&keywords=HyperX+Beast+black
Here are a few parts componants you might need to know about.
Mother board: GIGABYTE GA-990FXA-UD5 AM3+
CPU: AMD FX-6300 Vishera 3.5GHz (4.1GHz Turbo) Socket AM3+ 95W Six-Core
P.S. I'm not considering anything else but these two options.
Mushkin make better ram than kingston -thats the end of that story- if your buying ram becase of its looks shure go a head.
Kingston ram runs at a high voltage too (usually 1.65v) (your mobo has support for upto 1.5v dims)
And your mobo supports up to 1866Mhz ram or 2000Mhz as a over clock
So buying enything over 1866Mhz will be a waste just get some ram thats good at overclocking if you whant higher Mhz
Acording to kingstons site those dims can run in 1.5v or 1.65v http://www.kingston.com/en/memory/hyperx/predator/beast/
Ok so it WILL work. One more question though, if lets say new egg or amozon and so on doesn't show at what voltage it is, does that mean the same stick can run at 1.5 or 1.65? And yes I'm mostly doing this for looks, so do you think it's worth it?
No not worth it that ram states it will run at 1.65v or 1.5v this means if you run it at 1.5v the ram will down clock its self and if you run it at its intended voltage of 1.65v you will get the the stock Mhz speed.
Kingston have been doing this for awile now makeing ram that runs at 1.65v even on there value and hyperx dimms