Well as if my head is not spinning enough from looking at and comparing GPU's, I started to look at monitors and I'm almost to the point of brain fatigue lol.
Can someone please help me sort this whole mess out. there is just so much information it's overwhelming.
I like playing games like COD and Assasin's Creed, not sure what else I might get into because the last time I gamed on a PC I was playing wolfenstein ages ago (LOL)
I see a lot of 1440p being the stepping stone between 1080P and 4K and get confused even more. 1080P has been out for a while, but 4K gaming really isn't there yet in my opinion, at least not in a manner that is affordable, definitely no price to performance benefits.
Then there is G-Sync and Free-Sync, which each respectively ties you to Nvidia or AMD respectively.....
So the -Sync technologies are independent of refresh rates? Does a 60hz g or free sync work as well as a non sync 144hz? Lot's to take in here..........
So do I get the best 1080P monitor I can with the highest refresh rate, and wait for 4K to come more into it's own, or buy a 4K monitor and wait..........
I'm coming from console gaming if that's any help to anyone.
Also can anyone comment on the multi monitor 1080p setups vs one bigger display. I will mostly be doing gaming, streaming, music, and some online classes, and general productivity, but I will be on the desktop a lot and want to make the most of the experience, especially for gaming.
For the GPU right now I have an R9 fury (my build is not together yet, still need parts), but I'm very much considering getting rid of the Fury. I'm torn as the benefits of a 980 ti cannot be denied, but then I guess it comes back to what resolution are you gaming at.......
Is it worth the $$ for a 980 ti for 1080P or 1440 since one by itself is still not enough for 4K at decent settings?
Would it be better to get a solid 1080P setup and run an R9 390 or GTX 970?
I feel like I'm coming into this at a bad time because it seems right now is a transition period between the old and soon to be newer tech (1080P to 4K).
Would appreciate any input anyone has to offer.