Yay, Pick Me a PSU :)

So, i need to find a power supply, and i'm sure theres a better, more affordable one on this list, i need it to be able to handle everything in these two wishlists. I would also very much like it to be modular, with only 1 12V rail.



opinions on the build are welcome too, but I'm more looking for the PSU advice

You don't appear to have any cheap, good brands. That sucks. Anyway, don't buy the Corsair CX series. It is an entry level power supply.



Cheapest supplies I would recommend from that website. The Corsair AX and HX appear to be really expensive.

yea, I just reeaally don't wanna spend $150+ on a PSU is all :/

There's one for $145, up above.

It's not THAT much more expensive than the CX, in my opinion.

The 750 cx is scheiße, it the psu I had one before my tx650m.

With a rig like that you don't want a bronze psu holding the work load. In my opinion you should always go with gold psu's. I've had enough shit with bronze ones to learn my lesson.

what do you think the minimum wattage i could get away with for a decent but not over the top OC on the 8350, and the two 7950 vapor Xs at stock/with a mild OC?

700-750W. If you had a really good rated, branded supply, with a good OEM, you might only need 650W.

It's a shame that everything is so pricey in Aus.

tell me about it :/ looking around other websites, but it's all looking more or less the same

is bronze really that bad?

750w should be fine unless you try for 5ghz on the cpu and a huge gpu overclock. Just make sure its gold rated. 

Bronze is only worth it when doing a budget build. Your build is high end so i would want a psu that has silver or higher to be powering it.

so I'm basically going to need to spend ~$150 on a PSU then?


also this website has some http://www.mwave.com.au/category/power_supplies-3400/power_supplies_psu-3404/view-20/sortid-1/display-box/page-2

I would go with either one berserker suggested above.

Bronze isn't too bad, if you pick the right supply. I often recommend the XFX 550W for single GPU systems. A single 7950 is more than enough for most display configurations. So, depending on your needs and wants, you can definitely save money.

This PSU is awesome for single card, plus overclocking, plus extra headroom:


If you're really really really stuck, you can get the CX750M. I would recommend searching for a quality unit.

A gold rated 650W should be enough for dual cards. I usually recommend upwards of 700, but because of the efficiency, it should be a good match.


There's a TX750 for a little bit more. That would be preferable to the CX series.

Bronze psu's are only bad when you choose a bad quality made one like the cx series.

perhaps http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=15_535&products_id=23172

might be a nice middleground? I want to have the option of Crossfiring because it will probably happen at some point in the not so far future

I think that's a multi-rail PSU. Notice the 12v1 and 12v2? You only want a single 12v rail, as it is better for voltage regulation.

I'd just spend the extra $10 to get the HX650. It's gold rated. It'll be enough for dual 7950s/ 7970s/ GTX 770s.

damit, did not notice that :/ yea i'll browse a little more in a desparate attempt to save a bit of money somewhere

would you rate 650W gold higher than 750W silver?

lol $10 is the price of a couple of beers. I hope that you do find something

yea thanks for your help. it's just things start to add up really easily doing something like this