Xstar Monitor Upgrade

Hey guys,

I have been looking at getting a new 2560x1440 res monitor for my gaming rig. In my search I have found myself continuously coming back to the Xstar monitor that Logan did a review on some time ago. My question is this, have any of you guys bought this particular monitor? and if I were to buy the perfect pixel one how likely would it be that I would get one with a bad pixel? Thanks for any and all help that you guys have.

Much obliged,

There's a whole thread somewhere on this forum that I can't be bothered to look for right now about people with 1440p monitors. I have the X-star myself and didn't get the pixel perfect version. Mine came with one stuck pixel in the top right corner that I almost never notice unless I'm looking for it. It might be more bothersome in the middle of the screen but I'm fine with it.

I have an Achieva Shimian i got on ebay for $320.  came with a single dead/stuck pixel but as Crazieman said, i dont see it unless im looking for it.  with such high density pixels, you dont notice it at all.  

Thanks for the feedback guys, sorry I didn't respond earlier I was playing FarCry 3 Xp. So from this I am hearing that its really not a big deal if there is a dead pixel. I think that I may pull the trigger on this. Oh and Roller, I would go with a shimian but I like the fact that the Xstar has an all black chassis. In Logan's words "that's vain". But I like it. 

Thanks again for your opinions. Not afraid to hear anyone else's though.