Okay so Windows XP is due to end in 2 months, and about time, the OS has been around for 12 years, although regarded as the greatest OS from MS its security and stability has become more unstable and less secure over the years, more due to age.
Now it can take anywhere between 18/24 months minimum to fully migrate a system from one OS to another, this is due to issues with applications, the systems them self, and how many terminals there are at once, so why are banks and large businesses still using XP?
Now to my knowledge a large UK banks are still using XP, if you have ever seen a crashed cash point from these banks, you will notice they run XP Professional, so why are they still running it? it will become more and more stressful for security departments to patch the dead OS's security issues and maintain it, there is already rumours that hackers have a ton of exploits ready to fire that MS does not even know exist.
This is an issue, Not just for banks.
Recently I have seen a large shops also have XP pro running on their self service checkouts, Now paying by cash does not pose as much threat as using card, but the problem is also, the machines they have for reading cards are on XP, the banks are on XP, all it takes is a MITM attack and your account along with thousands of others is compromised, which causes a serious issue.
Any ideas why business has not upgraded to W7 or Linux in recent years way before, I expect budget constraints among one, but to be honest these businesses should pay their I.T department every penny they are worth, to keep them self in business, and keeping their systems safe for customers to use.
What do you think the future is of these businesses, or are we heading towards dangerous times in the world of online and cashless payments? Post below!