This card has been giving me a hard time with graphical glitches which force me to restart my computer. Does anyone else have this problem? And if so, how would I go about fixing it?
First off, lets identify the problem.
Is it overclocked? If so, then how much, is it factory overclocked or have you fiddled with it yourself.
Has the card been exposed, to extreme heat? Overheated?
What games do the graphical glitches appear in?
Heres what i have encountered with some cards in the past, and it might be the issue here. GPU has overheated and suffered permanent damage, so inorder for it to work stable, i hadto underclock the card.
I hope that is not the case, if that is the case, i hope you have warranty on it. That is also the worse case scenario.
You can try a driver reinstall, but if graphical glitches occour often and in different programs, it most likely is something on the hardware level.
I have two of this card, as long as you mean the 925mhz edition. This card is NOT overclockable (confirmed from MANY sources). The voltage is locked and any and all overlocking causes the card to become unstable and crash in many instances. If you're overclocking and have the same card as mine, then that could be your problem.
Well this is the first computer I've ever built my self, so this whole thing is a little new to me. By overclocking, does that include using the amd overdrive program to increase the performance? If yes, than that may be my problem. I believe this card is not overclockable due to voltage constraints or something. I've been using it with its stock clock and this has seemed to fix the problem... But it's dumb I can't overclock. That's one of the reasons I made my own pc.