XFX-750i Shutoff problem

Would any be able to give me an idea why my computer would turn off randomly? Ive cleaned it bought a new PSU and have not overclocked it, it doesnt overheat ive opened the case/monitored the temps to be sure and ive reinstalled windows twice


Motherboard: XFX 750i 

CPU:Q6600 @2.4Ghz VB3

RAM: DDR2 4GB Corsair 800Mhz

GPU: Geforce 9800GT512mb @ 625Mhz

PSU:Corsair 600W

Make sure all your power cables are plugged in all the way, the first build I did would turn off if the computer was moved just a tab. Turns out the 24 pin was not all the way the mobo.

Ive checked that too. I have unpluged everything and replugged everything several times but it still would turn off at random times 

Im going to go out on a limb and assume that you may have a fault in your motherboards power delivery system (VRM, Mosfets, etc)


May be a faulty PSU, or, as Shad0wbreak said, an issue witht the motherboard VRM/Mofsets/North and South bridge.

He already replaced to PSU, so I don't think it's that.

Here's what I would do. First, research your ram and cpu. Find the rated voltage for your ram and the average-ish voltage for your cpu (they do tend to vary) and then write it all down. After that, rebuild your computer completely. Take all the components out, clean them, and reseat everything (this includes the cpu, ram, gpu, and all the cables.) Check the motherboard for any physical damage while you're at it, and make sure there isn't any thermal paste within the socket. Also, after you reseat the cpu, apply some fresh thermal paste.

After everything is rebuilt, clear your cmos. Then, go into the bios. Check to make sure all the voltages are correct, and make sure your ram is running at the rated speed.

If you still have problems, then you either have faulty ram, cpu, or motherboard.

Sorry for the late reply. I forgot to mention that it starts to act up for example it will turn off once then again in 10min then again in 5 then 2 then 1 then each time i turn it on the only whay i found to fix it is by taking it all apart and cleaning it really good taking out the cpu reapplying the thermal paste then it wont do it for like a month. I dont think its the ram because i tried using a different 2 Gb stick and it still did the same thing also ive checked Volts and everything works how it should. The only thing i can say that was weird is that before i had this q6600 i had a Celeron and the MB worked fine then i got a e6700 and it wouldnt boot unless i under clocked it or i bumped up the NB volts but i thought it was nothing (BTW i also returned the cpu thinking it was the promblem and got a new e6700 it still did the samething)

Thank you all for your help. I think i have a dying MotherBoard. Ill just have to save money and buy a whole new system