Xen/ XOA Cloud-init issues

Dear Forum.

I’m currently testing the cloud-init/ Cloud Config of Xen Orchestra on my XCP-NG 8.0 server.

But I’m having some trouble getting my VM’s to apply the changes in the Cloud Config box in XOA.

I have made a new VM from the default templates.
Installed Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server edition.
Run the apt-get install cloud-init cloud-initramfs-growfs
I have not made any changes to the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
I have run the dpkg-reconfigure cloud-init after installing cloud-init

when selecting with options to pick from I chose these:

Are these the correct boxes to check?

This is what I have in the XOA Cloud Config tab:

And this is the yaml, just in text :smiley:

growpart: {mode: 'on'}
locale: C.UTF-8
preserve_hostname: false
resize_rootfs: true
ssh_pwauth: false
- gecos: itvadmin
  groups: [sudo]
  lock-passwd: false
  name: itvadmin
  shell: /bin/bash
- gecos: sb
  groups: [sudo]
  lock-passwd: false
  name: sb
  shell: /bin/bash

any ideas why this is not just working?

I’m more than happy to send logs and other information if need’ ed

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