The other day I was in class and a friend of mine was having trouble running codeblocks (it's the IDE we have to use for our C programming class) on his Mac. Since I use a Mac myself he asked me how to make it work on his laptop, but I run various distributions of linux (depending on how i feel) on virtual machine so i never had problems with the ide.
Another guy jumped in and say that codeblocks sucks, and linux also sucks and everybody in the software engineering agrees that XCode is better than linux and it is better to learn XCode than learning Linux.
Is he right? Am I out of mind? is he out of mind? What he said really left me speechless and makes me lose everyhope i have in my university T.T
Nope that is not the case. The guy is talking bullcrap. Xcode is a nice solution if you run a MAC but the IDE/editor you chose to program on is largely a matter of personal preference. There is no way anyone can seriously claim that "everybody agrees" on this. Many prefer eclipse (which you see it in most new development tools out there), codeblocks, other use editors and compile on terminal sublime, kate, gedit, lightable for html and python, some even prefer to code on vim and so on.
Most programmers chose Linux not so much for the editor (most are multi-platfom anyway) but the freedom it provides when you do development. Of course it also depends on what you are developing.
That was what trying to tell him, but he kept going on saying that there is no use in learning Linux, that was what really made me mad.
I use Xcode sometimes, it really works well to program iOs/MacOs applications but i still prefer using linux as my daily driver.
Just a fan boy i guess. No need to take him seriously. If he thinks that he is just an idiot. Which editor/IDE and OS you are using , whether Linux, Windows or Mac OS depends solely on preference and the nature of your work.
And in my opinion the more open/free the environment is, the better it serves creativity and innovation.
I completely agree with you.
It really makes me sad knowing that there are people like this who try to drive away other people from the world of open source because it makes it worse for everyone
I can't dissagree that Xcode is an amazing IDE. But just like @turin231 said:
The downside to Xcode is that because it's an apple product it will only compile for Mac and iOS so its not cross platform like a lot of other IDE's. And whoever said that there is no point in linux shouldn't be doing a tech related degree, you need have an open mind with technology and if you don't you'll get left behind quickly.
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Colleges are full of retards, just like any other place. Ignore them. There are people in my EE course that can't put a computer together.
Edit: Also why is he comparing an IDE to an entire ecosystem of operating systems? Is he a Neanderthal?
He was like "f* codeblocks, it sucks, just use xcode"