Hey guys I have a xbox one controller that cant connect to my computer. I think the micro usb port on it is bad or something because the wire has to be an angle for the controller to connect. Would anybody know how to fix bad micro usb ports?
Is it definitely the port? My brother has a PS4 controller with the same problem but it is the cable, there were a lot of very bad Micro USB cables and they are still around and on sale. I have 4, all of which were bought because they were very cheap and all do not retain in the sockets at all.
Its not the cable because it works just fine for charging my phone. I was wondering if there was a way to fix a bad port?
Depends on what the actual problem with the port is, but the starting point is taking a look at it outside the controller. Take it apart and if at all possible compare it to a known good one, or at least a good port on something else, check for physical irregularity.
Charging only uses the power lines, so the data lines may still be broken
I dont think so, I tried a different cable and it does the same thing where if I shake the cable up and down the controller turns on and off.
I will take it apart and see what I can learn.