So PC games are aight, the only problem is, I hate soloing games, so thats why I play source games and stuff like that... So I'm probably going to sell this PC, and buy a Kuma and a 9800 GT or something small like that, then buy a 360 elite. I can solo games on the 360, just not the PC.. idk why, it might be the fact that its on a TV or something.... What yall think about that?
Matter of opinon : 3 Go try your friend's 360 or ps3's.
My suggestion will always be ps3 tho. (or.. well.. I assume you already have a pc)
I have a 360, its just broken and I want a new one.. So I can probably score like 50 or 60 bucks off of that.. It's an easy fix, just nothing I want to do cause I want an elite..
I'll still have an okay PC.. it'll just be something cheap.. The only reason I'm not rooting for PS3 is because it seems too bleaghhhgfffffffffzldoaapwwwwwwwwwwwwkfffffffffffffjgggggggg,mxxxxxdlfmpozisadddddddfffffffffffff....... But I like the 360.
if you have a pc already id say a ps3 is a better investment,
id say only get the 360 if you are not going to have a pc anymore, or if you have a bunch of friends on 360.
really though, why is it you can sit around and play a game on console but not pc.
personally i would rather take my pc over a console any day, even if someone offered me all 3 consoles in exchange for my pc i wouldnt do it (provided i couldnt sell them afterwards). but if you want a console for gaming then go for the 360. i personally think it has the most comfortable controller of them all (i once played it for over 24 hours straight) alot of games are multi-platform, but i guess it depends on what console-specific games you like better. id rather play halo than final fantasy.
Straight-forward as it gets:Xbox 360: ShootersPS3: RPGsPC: Multi-tasking, Shooters, "Special" videos, well... everything.The questions you should be asking yourself are:Â "how many friends do I have on ___." and "What sorts of games do I like on the ___."After this, you should be able to come together with what you want to buy.
Wiibox360 has no games.
PS3 has games on top of games on stacks of games.
I guess its the fact I can sit back, relax, and just button smash mindlessly till I die. I loved the 360 over everything when I had it.. I guess the best decision I could make would be to fork over $20 to go get some AC5 and a few washers instead of $200 to a brand new console.. So I can keep this PC and still get a 360... I guess this thread was a little pointless (like most of my decision threads) because I have this set image in my mind and I can't listen to anyone no matter how many times they argue.
Consider this thread, CLOSED.