Hello all,
This is my build.
Long time and stable partner to my online and offline endeavors through the years. And I really don’t want to part with it, because in all honesty there simply is no need to do so yet.
Now that being said, Windows 10 decided to enforce upon me the 20H2 version, and then all hell broke loose.
Initially I couldn’t install the chipset driver that I got from here.
So I reverted to an older version of said driver that could actually install. But that resulted with a week of blue screens. I haven’t seen one since I bought the machine. One of the main reasons I got ECC and Xeon was to have stability.
Long story short, I talked to Asus, which basically told me to hide back to my corner, because apparently a server grade motherboard of 2015 has a chipset that is no longer supported by them. This is NOT the Asus that I came to respect in the past. In the past years they would actually sit down and write a driver for you if the need was raised. Today? They couldn’t give a damn.
Intel has dropped support you see, and if you want to even contact them to ask for a workaround, you are out of luck, since there isn’t even the option to do so on their website for the X99 platform…
If someone told me that by spending somewhere around the 1,3K mark in 2015 only to have them be unsupported less than five years later (mind you, last chipset driver is 2016/07/04 per the Asus site above), I would probably tell them to get that tin foil hat off. Ha, jokes on me now. Weirdly enough I am not the one laughing though.
I find this completely unprofessional on both Intel’s and Asus part. We are talking about server grade components here, that should to the very least have a decade of driver support if not more.
Now what’s the problem you may ask? Fair question.
Well for once, the usb 3.1 support is out of the window, all usb hubs are being treated as 2.0, and the speeds are down to minimum. Then it’s the device manager that looks like this.
Anyone here has any thoughts that might help me by the way?