X470 RAID 0 Freesing issues

Hi All,

I have RAID 0 setup on my computer because I crave the fast boots.

However, I have tried putting my computer in high performance made because my computer keeps freezing partially when it is not in constant use.

This is an issue for me because I don’t always put my computer to sleep/shut it down and sometimes I will try to leave it on for extended periods of time because I want to remote in to do some work.

Any ideas on what I can do to fix this issue?

When I go back to the computer the screen black sometimes and not recognize that I am making mouse movements, but I cannot turn off the computer because I have it set to “Do not do anything” because my 1 year old like to press the button.

Other times I will go back to my computer and I can move the cursor but I can’t do anything and will need to reboot the system.

My theory is that one of the NVMe drives is going into hibernate mode or something and it cant recover.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

This is an incredibly complicated question because there are problems that could exist outside of the RAID config. For instance I would get blank screen issues after the PC would turn off the monitor and I couldn’t wake it back up, using Linux Mint. It would also lose settings for the aspect ratio, as I have a 4K monitor but like the screen better at 1080p. It works perfectly fine using Ubuntu Mate. So, software issue.

It sounds like the issue could reside with RAID, but are they really the same as an HDD? An HDD will do a power off. Does an NVMe do the same? I’m pretty sure that actually hibernating the PC will cut off power to most the system. But, that doesn’t explain your issue.

There are too many variables with something like this and it takes brainstorming a lot of times to solve this kind of problem. You almost have to experience this exact thing to know the answer.

I left this comment for posterity sake, and hope your problem was resolved months ago.

Peace bro.

What to do with the one year old??? I got nothing for you there buddy :slight_smile: I like my power switch to function, and my case has a reset button. Your one YO would have ALL kinds of fun. Solved best by getting the PC out of the reach of the 1 YO, even if you have to put a shelf on the wall and put it there, rearrange a desk, etc… The 1 YO is an innocent in this mess, for he or she knows no better, or maybe they think the reaction you make because of the button being pushed is amusing??? It’s been so long since I was that age, I just can’t fathom the thought processes anymore.

I cam to the conclusion that it may have bern a temp issue with the drives.

I stopped using the NVMe drives as boot drives and everything has been fine since…go figure.

Im back on Windows currently on that machine but not for long.

I have it on Windows just to test the Steam-Inhome streaming and Parsec streaming. It works really well.

So now Im looking back to Linux and planning on trying to do a headless setup using CentOS and Cockpit and then having 2 Windows VMs with dedicated GPUs for streaming games simultaneously through the house.

My network is mostly Ethernet so it should be good to go on that end. If really like to get SRIOV enabled card but time will tell when we see that on consumer cards.