Hi all. Just want to check the opinion on this.
I am looking to build a threadripper rig using unraid to host 2 VMS with passed through GPUs.
The processor will be a 1920x and in looking at motherboards now. My budget isn’t great and I’m seeing the gigabyte autos pro x399 for a good price £239 but also looking at the asrock x399 taichi but that’s £320
Does anyone have experience with both of these. Will the gigabyte board suffice or is it worth the extra for the taichi?
I’ve heard dodgy things about the iommu on the gigabyte board but they seem to be from a long time ago. I can’t see any specific reviews for the gigabyte board either.
Any help would be great. Also if you have another suggestion for board I am all ears. I am in the UK so my suppliers will be either ebuyer, ccl or Amazon most likely.
Thanks in advance