[WTT] gig programer needed

I am really not having luck with fiver, this is the only other place that I know of where I could get help.

I need someone that would look at the attached documentation + code and finish this project:

Need’s fixing:

  1. BUG
    There is a bug that prevents images from being displayed correctly (see attached video)

Need to be implemented:

  1. Deleted picture
    When an image is removed from “pictures” remove it from “EDITpictures” also. Because currently all the old deleted images remain and are taking unnecessary space.

  2. Change clear now behaviour
    If clearNow=1 send “white.png” to screen and terminate the python script.
    If it’s 0 program works normally.

  3. Shutdown
    Can you add a parameter in “config.txt” that shuts down raspberry pi basically send’s “sudo shutdown now” command to the terminal. If possible

My hardware:

My tone in this massage is very rude but this was meant to be a gift for my special friend and it’s been sitting on my desk for the past 4 months because I couldn’t finish it myself / get the proper help, please forgive me.

I am attaching my existing Python code
display.txt (42.1 KB)
config.txt (119 Bytes)
README.txt (4.8 KB)

the workflow:



Necessary images

Sample images


Hey, … this kind of thing is fun, … why bother paying people when you can learn something?

  1. Can you collapse some of your images you uploaded into the [details] tag.

I think this kind of code might need several rounds of code review and cleanup / pair programming perhaps. Are you on L1T discord by any chance?

edit: what’s the deal with use of multiprocessing (as opposed to regular threading) and all of these temporary files all over the place?


  • README_CONTENT = ["written by m... is making my eyes bleed, just use a multiline string.
  •  class RebuildProc(multiprocessing.Process):
       def __init__(**bunch of kwarg...):
         self.thing = some kwargs thing
       def run(self):
          .... use self.thing
    def RebuildProc(thing, thing2=default_thing_2):
      ... use thing
    # launch with
    threading.Thread(RebuildProc, *argsyouwant, daemon=true, **kwargs_you_want).start

make them simple functions you can launch them in parallel using t = threading.Thread(RebuildProc…
and just use regular mutexes and semaphores and in memory datastructures instead of a bunch of temporary files that’ll make your memory card die

Yes of course.

This is code that was provided to me, I didn’t think my project would be this complex because it’s basically an epaper photo screen with minor ease of life features. Attaching my

original requested workflow

I am currently not, my discord username is



If you would be kind enough and send me an invite.

Commenting on the edit:
Some of the temp files might have been used by the original programmer for debugging?

Discord info: https://forum.level1techs.com/t/level1techs-discord-server/125955