Selling both my Audio Technica headsets. Here some Info:
M50 (straight coil): I have had it for around 6 months. Very good condition with light usage. Its had about 10-12 hours of usage and have not been burned in.
I then bought the AD 900x and used those.
AD 900x: I have had these for 3 months. Also in very good condition with light usage. Its had about 7-8 hours of usage and have not also been burned in.
I then purchased a stax lambda headset and unit and have not looked back. I feel that it is time for me to pass on these head phones to someone who would use them more. I recommend you burn in the AD 900x for around 25 hours or so. One last thing, I just moved so I can't find the boxes for these headphones. Hopefully I can find them but no guarantees.
M50- 75$
AD900x- 180$
Please PM me if you are interested. Currently in the US and in Southern California.