WTF?!?!? my pr0n just disapeared

I have a hidden folder on my desktop named * it was a hidden folder and i placed it behind the windows side bar, looked today and it was gone any help?

Jesus deleted it



ya go to document and setting ur user and desktop show the hidden folders in the toll button and u should c it. and u shouldnt be hiding porn rofl

Mines all nicely place in a porn dir. in my c drive.


@ madmanali93 I all ready have it to show hidden folders and the weird thing is that it wont let me make a new folder named * so the last vista update might have gotten rid of it since i can no longer make folders named *

HAHAHAHAHA FAIL ur parents caught you!

Like D3ATH said. Jesus deleted it.

Lol. I have all of mine in a folder where I keep my torrents.

It's in FP. lol Feature Presentation haha. like 40+gb

You've never been able to make folders named *

"You've never been able to make folders named *"

Magical powers maybe.

must have been

1337 H4X


Jesus, hez in ur compz, deletin ur sinful pr0nz
