WTF is this all about

This is why our federal government needs to be majorly reformed... i mean sersly... if you can take the stupid time to read this article i'd say this is total bs and bogus. bitcoin is more secure than what the article suggests..


I'd be careful of sensationalist and bias media. The government may have speculated or made a reasoned hypothesis of criminal use of Bitcoin. When something like that gets media attention, it explodes out of context.

Yeah I just did a Google News search and the only one who was running a similar article was Fox... Seems to be a sensational fear mongering story which is the usual for them. Interesting that they decided to run with it though, I thought they'd be more interested in talking about Benghazi for the 80000th time. 

I'm not saying there isn't anything to the story just because it came from Fox News but take it with a grain of salt.