WRX90 and TRX50 Post Time

Looking to build a threadripper system on a wrx90 or trx50 board and looking to see what the post and boot time is on average for that platform. I have an engineer not wanting a 5 minute boot time like the last threadripper system I build him last gen with a supermicro combo. If anyone could tell me the post time please? That Would be great.


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Why are you power-cycling the server enough such that POST time becomes a consideration?

Not trx50, but I have an SP3r2 system, and there are options in AGESA to speed up post. Quickest warm-boot i can get is about 30 seconds. Cold-boot times are still like, 7 minutes.

We wouldn’t normally power cycle but power outages do happen sometimes at that site longer than the ups can handle. It was just a concern the engineer had who will be using the system. Also the end users aren’t computer savey at all so the long wait for an on screen image of it posting will make them think the pc isn’t working. But they will have to live with a long post and boot time as it is the only platform which will give me enough pcie lanes to run the hardware we need.

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Booting into linux, time until I get a login prompt:

  • After loss of power: 2m15s
  • Without loss of power: 1m8s

This is with default BIOS settings, which includes fast boot enabled.