Writing a good README and good documentation?

I am working on a JS/CSS/HTML web app to control model trains with a simulated physics engine, effectively giving the toy train the same controls as a real one.

I am trying to write some good documentation and a good README, but I can’t write many detailed tutorials just yet because there are many parts of the project whose structure and design is still changing. What would you suggest for writing good documentation to get other OSS developers on board? Also, would you have a look at my README.md file and tell me what I can improve on?

I will be happy to answer any questions about the software/provide screenshots/whatever else is needed.

pretty good just missing a change log

Is there a way to embed a list of commits from GitHub on a site? Maybe not using markdown but if I use normal HTML can I? I like the idea of a changelog but I'd like to have one that dynamically updates, so is there a good way to do this? I'm kind of new to Git

I have not idea, i dont use github or compile anything.(Still a noobie at doing that want to learn no at home internet.)

Maybe implement a small perl script to look for the new updates to the changelog then add that to the top of the readme txt file (what I'd do but there are lots of ways you could go about it)

What do you mean changelog? I know GitHub will show me a list of commits and releases, but is there a changelog feature I don't know about?

Sorry if this is a dumb question, I've only been using Git for a few months and I'm still kind of learning how it works.

changelog ~ what has been fixed, changed from a previous version etc.

but here is a good read for a method - http://keepachangelog.com/, have wonder around stackoverflow for other ideas, theres heaps of good ways you could go about it.