Woz at CeBIT

For those interested to hear some intelligent input from Woz himself, check out the video of the Woz interview at CeBIT in Hannover yesterday:


He thinks Snowden is a hero for what he did.


And for those interested in the views of a die-hard capitalist with no regard for human dignity whatsoever, check the dissenting view of Bill Gates saying that Snowden is not a hero in this interview from Rolling Stone magazine:


This interview has just sunk all hopes for a better Microsoft under Satya Nadella... nothing has changed...

"The U.S. government in general is one of the better governments in the world. It's the best in many, many respects. Lack of corruption, for instance, and a reasonable justice system." - Bill Gates. After Senator Feinstein's CIA investigation. After Aaron Swartz. And a couple getting arrested in Oklahoma for charges of "terrorism hoax" after some glitter fell off the banner they used in a protest. After the guy getting interrogated by Homeland Security for hours because he entered a cinema with Google Glass on. I lol'ed.

I have heard about these things and I don't even live in America!

good topics. did they add it on porpuse? i say yes.