I have a friend that his only criteria for the computer build is to play World of Warcraft on ultra. I believe i have the build down but I would like to know of any suggestions of components. Keep in mind other criteria such as money, not really a budget but for as low cost as possible with ultra WOW. I am one who likes to beef up the components a little so they may a bit longer of a usable life span but please hack away at the build.
Keep in mind he is using one of my old cases but plans on replacing it. It is an older full size case.
Let me know.
Yep it'll run it on ultra just fine.
Keep in mind however that WOW is a verylight game and doesnt require much. Hell u could even get a SandyBridge Celeron and still get max settings with that GPU. No problems from the looks of it.
Wow is not that demanding. Any quad core CPU and DX 10 video card will play it on full. so the parts you picked will wok fine.
I don't play wow but I have heard that intel works much better then amd cpus so maybe look at an i3
This isn't exactly true anymore. I've played vanilla WoW and patched graphics WoW on my FX-8350 and it runs just fine on AMD on ultra with an HD 7870 at 60 FPS on a 1920x1080 monitor.
Played on both AMD and intel CPU's from vanilla to CATA and there was no real difference. The only thing that WoW ever favored was Nvidia GPU's.
I thought of the build being a bit over kill for WOW on ultra but you know the nature of people. They say one thing and another is expected. Plus it can't hurt to beef it up slightly for other applications he hasn't thought about yet for a PC and a college student. Thank you all.