WOW Legion

Wanted to see who all is playing Legion and what servers people are on. Might be cool to group up if people are interested.

I have it but haven't been arsed to play any of the new content as of yet. Also, i play on Runetotem, EU. (Alliance)

To add, I play Alliance on Proudmoore (US)

add me. I play alliance on Emerald Dream (RP-PVP). Amenra#1808 is my profile ID

I have a WOW account active but unfortunately no WOW Legion expansion. :S

Is wow worth it for someone who never has played? I've played pretty much every other mmo though

I play Horde on Bonechewer mainly, but I have a couple Alliance toons on Whisperwind.

@GnomishViking Yes. Some advice I'd give to anyone who's looking to start: take time to explore, do events, etc. Don't just try to rush through and level as fast as possible, otherwise it will just be another grindy MMO. There's a lot of really cool side content.

So I probably shouldn't use the lvl booster thing if I get into the game?


If you just started, then play level 1 to 110. Game isn't a grind anymore and it is fun if you like questing and exploring. Skipping ahead will rob yourself imo

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Ally Emerald dream here too.

I'll add you tomorrow.

No don't worry about the level boosts.

I have heirlooms up to level 100 for every class, and even that is too much. The only reason I use them is because I spent so much time grinding heroics in MoP to get them that I feel like all that was wasted if I don't use them.

Sweet. Thanks for the info. I'm kinda stuck between going into wow or back to GW2 or ESO

WoW is the only one that will offer new content, GW2 is stagnating just as before HoT , it was a temporary relief but too little to late, as for ESO I really dont know much about that one,, if Blizzard gets points here its cos their consistent they will release enough new stuff to keep you interested for a while.

Ah, Legion how you eat all my time I play alliance on duskwood(us). Now if only the companion app on Android will let me recruit more ghouls and ebon knights I'd be able to do more missions.

If anyone is interested in the game my advice to you is get the starter edition have a play about with a few classes see what you like early level. And if you get the game there is a boost trial you can do to see if you'd like the class to end game.

Although earning gold isn't hard in game I'd recommend having two characters one class you really enjoy and want to main I'd level 1-110 then your second favourite class I'd boost just to get extra income.

I'd advise reading quest text zones are a lot more fun when you know what's going on.

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Ya that was always my issue with GW2. Loved the world and playing in it. But when you maxed it was like you hit a wall. The living story to make up for that was crap too in my opinion. ESO is actually pretty darn good. Lots of content updates regularly. Only issue is that it feels like it's pretty casual only have 6 abilities after that your just clicking your mouse to swing your sword

Nah, you will also want to go through a leveling experience for your abilities and not have all of them thrown at you at once unless you have some experience with the class.

If anyone wants to add me my username is TechProJoe#1234

Yeah, if your a quest completionist like I am, you get over-leveled in zones from that alone without heirlooms.

Yeah, story in Legion has been pretty damn cool so far, especially if you are big into the lore.

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I actually complained all over the blizz forums about this. How you out-level the content before completing it and it's just so damn frustrating.

I wanted to experience the full Wrath of the Lich King expansion, without out-levelling it. Impossible.

Everyone says, you can still do it, but there's really no point in doing it because everything is so easy, and eventually the quest givers stop handing out the quests because you are too powerful.
