(found it on a reddit post, shameless repost)
No I would not but that
Vegemite as a coolant?? I guess it’s better than eating it…
If you need that much heat exchange, it’s time to hang a car radiator out the window, or do what Gnif did and put a hole in the wall.
Looks too much like a sunday project to be honest. I dig the copper look, but everything else is too rough for me. If it had more of a squared look, finished in matte black the other parts and had no rivets visible I’d consider it if I was in the market.
And that’s why we cant have proper radiators on motherboards anymore…
I was talking about the raw alluminium (or steel, can’t really tell from a pic) being finished, not the radiating part.
Also I’m very flattered to know that my opinion has such a big impact on the whole PC industry, thanks!
I was just joking
However when it comes to consumer parts, its seems more and more, that fashion wins all the time over function.
I think its supposed to have all intake fans and then all the excess air gets pushed though the fins, kinda like a outdoor air con unit, but something tells me it was executed poorly
We cool, we cool.
I get what you mean to say and I’m too much more of a function over form kind of person. But I also like sleepers (in any context), minimalist and clean looks. So seeing sheet metal out of a foundry bent and riveted that way felt a bit too much of a rush job to me, looks wise.
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