The prices are old, but I was reading through reddit and saw this. an 8320, 7870 ghz edition, 1TB 7200 rpm wd blue, 2 4GB ram sticks, a mid case with I think 1 or 2 120mm fans, and a 430 watt 80+ bronze corsair builder series psu.
Now pcp says that build will use about 399W, I know that because a couple weeks ago I helped a bro build a nearly identical build, 8320 7870ghz 1TB 7200rpm wd blue, mid case but with 4 120mm fans and a 500W evga 500B psu.
So my question is would the build on reddit really work? 31 watts to spare, and it uses about 93% of the corsair's 430 watts, that just doesn't seem safe to me.
I believe you would have much more headroom. I'd estimate a 350W gaming requirement. Probably best to change the PSU, anyway.
Really?! Only 350W for an 8 core cpu, and an 7870ghz edition, + the rest of the stuff? Holy crap modern hardware is power efficient!
Fans are only a watt or less each. Most hard drives these days with sata are about 10 watts each. The CPU is 100 at stock (if not less for the 8320) HD 7870Ghz is around 180 at stock. With the mother board I would say Berserker is on the mark.
Yeah 350W sounds about right, having a small psu will mean you'd eventually have to buy a new one when you upgrade, better to go with something larger to get some good efficiency out of it
Wow, and here I thought that telling him to just get 500w due to budget was cutting it close.
I feel like such overkill with my 750W psu and i5 + 7950. xD
Thanks guys, I guess reddit was spot on with this one, really really cool...
Will work yes, if left at stock and never oc'd.