Hi all.
I am a junior in high school and a semi-local community college near me that is largely online offers free classes to high school students with the only expense needed being the textbook or similar learning tool.
There were two online classes I was interested in which were Fundamentals of Web Development and Network+ Fundamentals of Networking.
I'm more interested in the Fundamentals of Networking class and I decided that if I wanted I could just take the Web Development class next year which I probably will.
My friend told me that the class would be almost useless since I'm not planning on going to that college after high school because different colleges have different requirements so he said I should just get a general ed class out of the way.
I don't think it's useless because I want to go into a career in IT or something very similar and I have to find an alternative to develop my skills and knowledge because I simply cannot afford university and refuse to get student loans which I won't get into here unless someone asks because it's a little TL;DR.
What I'm wondering is if the class actually will benefit me in some way? I can get college credit or high school credit or both but that's not really what I'm concerned with...Unless it should be?