heres my build, quad core intel no hyper threading at 2.5 ghz, 5 gb ddr2, some random motherboard, 500 watt power supply 2 tb hard drive ect.
heres my build, quad core intel no hyper threading at 2.5 ghz, 5 gb ddr2, some random motherboard, 500 watt power supply 2 tb hard drive ect.
Probably, since I assume you have some form of core 2 quad
DDR 2? That's old, so I'm going to say yes, your cpu will bottleneck that card
Gtx 970... Don't worry. That card bottlenecks itself.
But seriously. Yes there will be a bottleneck.
Yup. For the price of a 970 you could do this:
When you can afford a better cooler you could oc the 8320E to 4.2ghz or so. You can just transfer all of your other parts to this.
Maybe, maybe not, i tried my 970s with an old phenom 2 x4 840 and it didnt bottleneck, but more info on your cpu would be helpful