Would this be a good idea for a PC-Only game?

Okay, so today at school we had a lady that survived the Holocaust come and speak..and when she was talking I was thinking about left 4 dead. (I know, random!) But what If there were a game where you were a Jew and running free from the Nazi's. Like it will be all bloody and gorey because you are going up to the Nazi's and slitting their throats xD. Make this an extremely long game with an amazing ending. If you think it'd dumb, tell me. lol, just a thought.

Also, it would have extremely unbelievable graphics (Well since PC RAPES consoles) :P


Executabl3 wrote 2 minutes ago »

Okay, so today at school we had a lady that survived the Holocaust come and speak..and when she was talking I was thinking about left 4 dead. (I know, random!) But what If there were a game where you were a Jew and running free from the Nazi's. Like it will be all bloody and gorey because you are going up to the Nazi's and slitting their throats xD. Make this an extremely long game with an amazing ending. If you think it'd dumb, tell me. lol, just a thought.

Also, it would have extremely unbelievable graphics (Well since PC RAPES consoles) :P


maybe i dont know i just want guns more guns and last more guns

you son of a bitch, my grandfather died in a concentration camp

he fell out of a guard tower

Those Dum nazis..lol

What did i say..that offended your grandfather?

Executabl3 wrote 1 minute ago »

What did i say..that offended your grandfather?

it was a joke

rofl, seemed so serious. xD you make me cry know you bastard (jokes)

Seems like good shit to me :)

dude thats a fucking mean idea thats like harsh

xD How...

a jew running away from a concentration camp? with a gun wtf, listen to Div man

.......there is no gun..it doesn't have to be like..offensive to anyone, but like ...man idk..like a call of duty, except you are living the life of a Jewish person..

get it now?

or you could have it something like a spreading force of zombies that you are running away from and your fighting them. But I think this is pretty good be pretty.

Yeah, they already have a game like that though, that Neckrovision. (which is horrible to me) ...i think it sucked ...no offense if you like it xD

well I guess there could be guns in the game and everything, but hey..it's not like anyone's going to make THIS GAME! just an idea.

But if i could, i would make it ASAP so you could get a story and put it in the game from a real Holocaust survivor.

2009 is the perfect year, with out amazing graphics atm!

Div wrote 3 hours ago »

you son of a bitch, my grandfather died in a concentration camp

he fell out of a guard tower

I lol'd

LOL, wow someone make that l4d mod right now.

Fuck, that would be tight. :P

Yeah, it's called Mirror's Edge. Except instead of a forest, you have rooftops.

A good idea of a PC only game is in the thought itself....A PC ONLY GAME.

Div wrote 1 day ago »

you son of a bitch, my grandfather died in a concentration camp

he fell out of a guard tower