Would like more server videos

A low down video on hardware raid controllers like which used ones to look for etc etc would be cool. I'm assuming proxmox is similar to esxi, i watched the video but, i only understand 85% of the words.

I have actually have some server hardware to play with so i find these videos pretty cool.

I agree. I love to learn about how all this stuff works, and I have a chance to play with a lot of it, so tutorials and explanations for how to make it work are of great use to me. Especially pfSense, which I love.

I think they should continue off the pfSense how to video and make a series on setting up a whole bunch of network equipment (VLANs and how they work, a local DNS server, VPN access to your network, etc)

The only issue i see is time. from what i can tell they are REALLY pressed for time. in an IDEAL world i'd like to see a newbie video on ESXi vs Proxmox and better description of the basics what they do etc etc.

However i'm not gonna complain i'll take what i can get.

Yeah, and people forget that the forum is a fantastic place to learn this stuff. Without the forums I would probably still be lost on how VLANs work, how OpenVPN works, and a ton of other stuff.

Yeah, bring them on. I need something to do.

I'm a big fan of the how-tos over the reviews in all honesty. I love server grade components and Wendell really breaks it down and explains it in a fairly good manner. So bring on the server content!

My thoughts exactly. (And yes thank you Dexter without your help I'd probably have lit that switch on fire by now lol)

well... until they get around to do it, why not share your own experiences of setting up a router, NAS, server, cloud, whatever?

there are a lot of experienced people here.

While I would like to see more Server videos for sure, I wold sooner see the team back up to full speed with an editor and releasing back content first. 

And as pointed out the forums have great support if you want help with server stuff.

I also would love to see more server videos, or even networking videos. I find both really interesting. 

I think they should do more stuff with games. Find some awesome games that not everyone has heard of, and do a video about them. Also do more with the game servers, I think they should host events with the steam group.

I think they should do more stuff with games. Find some awesome games that not everyone has heard of, and do a video about them. Also do more with the game servers, I think they should host events with the steam group.

This community may be full of gamers but many of us are interested in more than just games and rather what goes on behind the scenes. I am still waiting for wendells review on his new rack server he teased on twitter.

I could do something on VLAN's and VPN setup (with pfSense) if you don't mind it coming from a community member instead of Wendell.

However, local DNS isn't really worth the effort unless you have a large number of machines. It has a steep learning curve, can be difficult to secure and get running effectively.