Would it be worth it?

I am wondering what kind of perfomaces diffrence I would get if I upgrade my cpu.

  • it is a Intel pentium E2200 @2.2GHz
  • on a Asus P5QL board with 7gigs of ram
  • with a EVGA 8400GS

What I want to know if I can use an Intel Core 2 duo @2.93GHz that I got from a Dell Optiplex 780 that was going in the dumpster( two of them from my moms work). So would it be worth it if I switch out?

Going from an E2200 to a E7500 is a very worthwhile upgrade especially for free. Will be a good chance for you to apply some fresh themal paste as well. It will also overclock to decent speeds as well since you have board that should be able to push the fsb a little.