Would Full Divr VR cause human extinction?

If we have full dive VR would there still be people living in real life apart from poeple who maintain the VR equipment ? I am referring to VR brain implants,BCIs or a VR chip connected to a central Ai computer not VR headsets, googles, etc? I am asking hypothetically since i know that full dive VR is still a while away

I know that we need to eat and drink etc but maybe using life support machines to take care of our bodily functions?

If you were to give a rough estimate what percentage of people would stay in the real world instead of using these devices? 25 Percent maybe

If you were to give a rough estimate what percentage of people would stay in the real world instead of using these devices?

Whatever percentage of the global population that needs money in order to eat would live in the real world.

People overestimate the impact of technology. It’s a lot slower and a lot less dramatic than most people assume.

There are other factors that will always be present based on the human condition. The requirement to consume matter in order to avoid death is a huge one.

We live in a world where most people specialize. They get good at doing a specific thing, and then do that thing for others in exchange for money. They then trade that money for things and services other specialists produce, including the aforementioned matter to stave off death.

Since plugging into VR won’t put Soylent into your veins, people will unplug about as much as they work today, which is “the majority of their waking life”. For people who can use VR to put Soylent into their veins, they’re not going to want to. Plugging in and “going to work” would be the same thing, and they’ll do it as little as required to not go insane.

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