Would a faulty motherboard cause this USB problem

I am having a problem where randomly, say after 30 minutes of use my USB devices seem to temporary disconnect, or lose power and cease to function. Restarting fixes this, but it's very frustrating because things like my keyboard and mouse just stop. 

Sometimes, the devices will reconnect after a second or two, but more often or not they will slowly lose power. For example the blue LED on my wifi dongle will glow, but be very dim. 

I am guessing this is a motherboard problem, though I guess it could be a power supply issue or something else. Is there anything I can do to troubleshoot this, keeping in mind I don't have many spares I can use to swap out components.

Is it your front panel headers or the ones on the back of your mobo?

If front panel, try hooking up another PC's front panel connectors to make sure it's not your case.

If it's the back I/O, it's likely your motherboard. (very slight chance it's your CPU or RAM). Try to swap anything you can out (other than HDDs, ODDs, fans, and gpu) Also, try to run the PC barebones (use CPU graphics, only 1 stick of ram, only 1 sata connection, only hook up keyboard/mouse, etc.) Also, before anything else, try using your other USB ports, including your front panel USB.