Would a 2700 benefit my situation?

Hello all,

I am currently a CS student who likes to game when free time comes around. My beloved 4930k system has been showing symptoms that it is near EOL: sometimes it won’t boot and either the CPU power LED or RAM LED goes red and only succeeds after a few forced restarts.

I really want a Ryzen system, due to the clear multi-core benefits as I will be doing a lot of compilations as time goes on, specifically for Java, C, and Golang programs on both Windows and Linux.

Would a 2700 be a vastly superior experience for those workloads as compared to the 2600? I really like the value of the 2600, and can afford a 2700, but it would be a little painful. In your opinions, would the 2700 offer a sort of night / day improvement, as for example, I look at those Cinebench scores on the 2700 and just drool.

Thanks all!

Well, I’m sure there are benefits. But considering you use phrases like vastly superior and day / night improvements the answer would be no.

Very true, poor word choice, I’m mainly looking at scores like, from Cinebench for example, the multi-core speeds being in the 1400’s for the 2600 and 1800’s for the 2700. Was mainly wondering from a software development / compilation stand point if that really makes a note-worthy difference.

Well all of this comes down to personal preference. Consider this, from a percentage point of view the 2700 is 28% faster. If you are compiling a program in 5s on a 2600 it compiles in 3.6s on the 2700. This value might be negligent. If it takes 120min of the 2600 it would take 86.4min on the 2700. So, generally speaking: The longer the program takes to compile, the more you’ll benefit from the 2700.

Also, you mentioned you are a student, so probably you won’t be compiling programs with millions of lines of code, but rather smaller ones.

Thus, I assume the sensible choice would be the 2600. But, who cares about sensible choices, right? :smiley: Personally, I’d pick the 2700… but since I’m owning a 2700X I’ll stick with my CPU.

(Edit: Talk to others as well. This is just my opinion :wink: )

Forgot to mention you have that bad boy OC’d to 4.2 :slight_smile:

and it would be a shame to ditch 16 gig of ddr3 ram, judging by your cpu cooler I would guess it aint the cheap ram in my APU build

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33% more cores / threads for 100,- bucks.
Especially for a use case like yours, it would be painfully stupid to not do that.

buying something a little more powerful will also probably last a bit longer, I would agree with Azulath. 2700x is a pretty sweet processor.

In the end, it all comes down to his budget :wink: