Worth it to mine?

Hey forum, Bitcoins been going crazy lately, and I wanna mine for the coin. Except not bitcoins, litecoins. I was wondering if I would yield more money than I spend on electricity with this build: 

CPU: Intel Core2 Duo e7400 2.8ghz (overclocked to 3.20)

4gb of some kingstone ddr2 ram

Mobo:  Asus P5KPL-CM

GPU: Evga NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 (overclocked)

Couple of case fans to keep everything cool.

So yeah, will this yield more money than I'll spend on electricity?

go for a 7950. Nvidia cripples the compute performance on all of their cards so nvidia is NOT the way to go.

Would a 7870 work well enough for me to make a profit?

With a 7870 I get roughly $5 per day. I run my card at a slightly lower intensity so that I can use my desktop without stutter while mining. If you intend to leave your desktop mining while you're away, you could probably make around $6 per day.

How about 2x 7950s?

Phantom mentioned having x2 7950's and mining around 1.4 Mh/s. At that rate, that's roughly $23.70 per day.


That is true. But my desktop is completely unusable.