World of Warcraft with Twitch App Support

I recently decided to give gaming on linux a shot and installed wow through lutris. I also installed the windows twith app to manage my addons. However, the twitch app does not pick up WoW being installed. I tried manually adding it and it states the file could not be found. It does not tell me what file it is looking for.

If anyone has gotten this to work please guide me to a solution.

OK first things first, did you install the Twitch App is the same WINE prefix as the WoW installation, or are you using a separate prefix for that?

I haven’t tested this myself, but using two prefixes probably will not work, because from the programs standpoint those are different windows installations.

You prooooooobably need to install the twitch app in the same prefix so they can detect each other.

They are in separate prefixs. i had to browse though my home/game directory to point it at wow while i was failing. I am using lutris, so how do i install to the same prefix wow is in?

I figured it out. I went to the wine configuration in lutris and added a drive. I pointed the drive to the WoW directory and rescanned. It found the addons.

Mh well, that works too I guess :smile:

I’m just glad it worked out. I had no idea how else to do it lol

My idea was to install the Twitch App into the same WINE prefix.

I haven’t used Lutris, but according to this thread you can just right-click a game and run another application in that prefix:

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Just a word of warning for anyone running add-ons for WoW under WINE: some add-ons will cause streaming errors on the same machine when moving from windows to WINE+DXVK. TradeSkillManager and Auctionator will likely have problems (my wow install on Lutris has issues while either is in use). Not a big deal if you run the auction house, but it’s probably best to test each add-on you enable to see if it does result in an error.

Mh that’s interesting… wonder what’s causing this… maybe the big settings files for those addons since they remember a lot of data?