
It's cool to have a news show that isn't commercially driven and interests me. You guys are flipping hilarious and I have you on the tv every time you post up on youtube.

I have two questions. The most important one being is Wendell secretly the son of Home Improvement's Wilson?

The second question is what is a recommended selection of cpus for Autocad workstations. The projects these machines are used for are mechanical drafting. The projects contain many elements with products the size of locomotives. The software used is Autodesk's AutoCad Ultimate 2013.

I already have a pair of i7 machines with ssd's (one first gen and the other second gen i7). Both are using Quadro K4000's. The problem is the drafters continue to experience lag and program lock ups. I am considering switching to Xeon based machines with that good ole ECC thinking it might be memory related issues. What would your thoughts be on the subject. I do have some E3-1220v2's with 16gb of ecc memory sitting on the bench for another project. Would they be acceptable.

 Thanks for checking it out. Keep up the good work.