Women Why?

So why do women only like you if you treat them like shit??

This isn't a serious topic is it? Wait... This is inbox... I'll let the pass for now, no need to get my 'alt' account.

because they are insane!

If this is the case, then it explains a lot about our society lol!!!(joking)


So women should  get turned on by your lack of self confidence?

I am sorry if this comes off mean but I can't stand the arrogance of men thinking they are the better man when if they were they would be with the woman.

If a woman dosen't respond to you then you aren't her type move on and grow up, living in the shadow of another man isn't healthy

They said put anything. I also think its because there insane.  

Not all women like shitty treatment but we have to remember that Mental Hospitals do exists. 

Obvious bait is obvious