I am currently running an AMD FX-8350, and I love it. However, I want a smaller PC for college, and unfortunately, the AM3+ platform has next to no good mATX boards. While I have been toying with the idea of grabbing a 4790K and an LGA 1150 motherboard, and building a smaller PC for school and basically ditching the AM3+ platform altogether, I am hopeful that 2016 will bring new AMD CPU's and hopefully some mATX boards to the table.
I would be willing to wait a year and a half for the new AMD chips, rather than jump ship to Intel, assuming they keep the price to performance ratio as good as they have been, and some good mATX boards are released.
Playing games off my laptops Intel Iris graphics at school is starting to get a little old :/
i would expect there to be some mATX boards for the new FX Zen chips NOW considering,
A. I've PERSONALLY pestered JJ when he was on the TEK and during some live videos with Logan as to why ASUS hasn't considered High Performance FX boards.
Here's proof if you don't believe me,
Scroll to 2:35
B. I'm not the only one who has pestered him about this, but he has even done some questionnaires/polls on the forum asking the community would we like to see a High Performance m-ATX board for future AMD Platforms and almost all those questionnaires/polls have been Pro - "God damn it JJ make an mATX board for AMD".
in all honesty, JJ is very aware that the tech community would like to see a High Performance mATX board for AMD, the question is ASUS or himself going to follow through and deliver.
Speculation perhaps, hype not really. I am normally not disappointed when new things are released anyway, I usually expect the worst and (sometimes) end up getting pleasantly surprised.
Personally I would be more interested in M-ITX boards for this. It sucks that I had to use the lower grade APU's simply because there are no M-ITX boards for AMD-FX chips on the market.
I know, it also sucks how its pretty much impossible to build a compact AM3+ system because of the crappy selection of non ATX AM3+ motherboards. Nice Clan Wolf profile picture by the way, Mechwarrior 2 is the best.
Cause most of the FX boards pulled way too much power, that is why. most of the FX Parts have a 125w TDP that's insanely high for a mITX board. if they were much more energy efficient, it would be possible, but AMD has been doing the opposite of what everyone is doing lately,
focusing on power, and not efficiency.
they've been breaking spec for most computer components, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but we have to deal with that.
too much heat, is a bad thing.
when it comes to true power of the CPU's, they keep focusing on graphics, much more than core performance.
Which is the main reason, AMD isn't "top dog" of the CPU market anymore. but now that Jim Keller is back on the CPU development team, Intel is definitely keeping a close eye on AMD now, cause Intel has lost a few "CPU" wars before, and it was majorly cause of Jim Keller.