Witcher 3 requirements

Minimum System Requirements

Intel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz

AMD CPU Phenom II X4 940

Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660

AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870


OS 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)

DirectX 11

HDD Space 40 GB

Recommended System Requirements

Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3,4 GHz


Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 770 A

MD GPU Radeon R9 290


OS 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)

DirectX 11

HDD Space 40 GB

While its nice to see hardware finally being taken advantage of(from the looks of it) some of these make no sense to me. I can kinda understand the gpu, a 7870 is better than a 660 like a 290 beats a 770, but nvidia's gameworks are likely screwing amd at least a little.  But the cpu requirements make zero sense to me. a 2500k is a lot better than an amd phenom ll x4 940, even the amd 760k is better than that.  The recommended cpu makes sense if all 8 threads are being used, since when that happens the 3770k and 8350 perform similarly. But the minimum cpu requirement just has me baffled... 


i swear, if this game is 40gb due to sodding uncompressed flac audio i am going to lose it.

its annoying as hell to me.

and gameworks... sigh

will probably get it for the ps4 rather than try it on my all amd pc, at least nvidia cant fuck up the console version (at least too badly).

I wouldn't get it on console, even with gameworks you meet/beat the recommended requirements according to your profile.   Its going to be one of the biggest game worlds so that'll be most of the download/install I hope.

Those just the Widows recommendations? Hope the Linux ones are the same and they don't just put it in a WINE wrapper.

Witcher has known to be pretty well optimized. Let's see how well they pull this off, maybe they can unshaft the gamework shits.

Depends on if they make the port or not. If they do it'll be fine if not panic. 

They said they would make the port so I am holding them to it.

Guess its time to upgrade the ole battle-station.. 

Have fun playing this guys. I can't :(

No Problem! I won't have to care about requirements for another 2 or 3 years :D


I easily had more than the required for Arkham Origins and yet that didnt stop that game from being problematic..

I will pass on a repeat of that painful experience and just get it on the ps4 at the first sign of any hint of bad console portage from reviews.

The game is being ported from pc to consoles according to the dev. The guys who own CDPR also own gog, so I highly doubt it will be anything like AO's situation. 

I supremely doubt it. CD Project Red are up to no good these days.

all i am saying is i am going to wait until a couple of reviews hit sites i trust

if they give me the all clear (a couple are bound to have a cpu chart) then I shall purchase it for pc

any hint of it being a bad console port and then I will just buy it on a console... simples

avoid temptation and don't pre-order, wait for actual reviews.

Planning to buy a 390x or 980 Ti for this game. Or at least some form of major upgrade from my 7950. I might grab the BenQ XL2730z while I'm at it, but I'd probably need two graphics cards to push 144hz.

How so? 

I'm very happy to see the high specs, and honestly it wouldn't surprise me one bit if the game is taking advantage of 8-threaded machines. I mean lets face it, an 8-core is pretty much the saving grace of the consoles so I would think that development for games these days will become heavily threaded.

As for GPU's that's not too surprising at all, in fact I'm happy to see high power cards finally taken advantage of.

I am certainly curious if my system will run it maxed at 1440p though...

Mostly things I find annoying and uncharacteristic but that other seem to love and parise.

GOG used to be about getting old game working for modern systems. While they still do this it has started selling new releases and just becoming another face in the crowd, rather than a unique and genuinely interesting place.

Their own launcher/software platform. Why. What do they need that for. They do not yet DRM their games so why the launcher. I simply don't need this, and yes I know I don't have to use it (yet). It just seems like a waste of time and resources. Unless they are going to implement something in the future like locking people in.

GameWorks. No explanation needed. And then delaying the game just to further integrate this junk... 

And while it has not happened yet I suspect their are some other optimisation shenagins going on with Witcher 3. If it can run even at low well on consoles, well they fall well short of the minimum specs. So either they are making it console focused game or just plain not bothering optimising the game on PC. This also shows in the vast difference between the Nvidia AMD requirements. Also still no Linux announcement yet.

Edit: in the past they have also messed up big. The Saints Row 2 port they did is abysmal. It is broken to this day and mostly irreparably so.

There was also the time they switched GOG to local currency and screwed the Europeans. The prices shot up to around 30% extra for no reason. Only after much compiling and calling out of their shit did they stop this. But they intend to try it again, hopefully better this time round.

Mostly cynical and things I find annoying/suspect. Other still praise them. I don't.

This so not to say everybody else is suddenly a great company. More just that CDPR have gone off the rails in my eyes.

Edits for more explanation and other points.

As an owner of Nvidia cards, I quite like gameworks. grass, fire, waves, fur, cloth, etc, but the caustics look weird on the ground and the smoke looks funny imo. I'm glad they're implementing it, but I understand it fucks over AMD stuff and older Nvidia cards.